
The First International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security (NLPAICS’2024) is organised by the Lancaster University UCREL NLP research group.

29 July, Monday

8.30-9.10 Registration 

9.10-9.20 Opening – Professor Nigel Davies, Distinguished Professor, Head of Department, Computing and Communications and Co-Director of the Data Science Institute


Keynote speech 1 (40 min presentation; 10 min Q &A; Introduction: Ruslan Mitkov)

Paolo Rosso –
Beyond fake news in disinformation detection: analysis of narratives of conspiracy theories

10.10-11.00  Session 1 Ethics and bias (Session 1 Chair: Eugenio Martínez Camara)

10.10-10.35 (25 min – 15 min presentation + 10 min Q &A)

Predatory Publication of AI-Generated Research Papers

Lizzie Burgiss, Ben Tatum, Christopher Henshaw, Madison Boswell and Alan Michaels


Explainability of Machine Learning Approaches in Forensic Linguistics: A Case Study in Geolinguistic Authorship Profiling

Dana Roemling, Yves Scherrer and Aleksandra Miletić

Morning coffee break 11.00-11.20

Session 2 Software and vulnerabilities (Session 2 Chair: Matthew Bradbury)


Metric-Oriented Pretraining of Neural Source Code Summarisation Transformers to Enable more Secure Software Development

Jesse Phillips, Mo El-Haj and Tracy Hall


Comprehensive threat analysis and systematic mapping of CVEs to MITRE framework

Stefano Simonetto and Peter Bosch


Predicting Software Vulnerability Trends with Multi-Recurrent Neural Networks: A Time Series Forecasting Approach

Abanisenioluwa K. Orojo, Webster C. Elumelu and Oluwatamilore O. Orojo


Autonomous Agents for Cyber Deception

Lewis Newsham, Daniel Prince and Ryan Hyland

Lunch break 1-2pm

2-2.50 Keynote speech 2 (Introduction: Hansi Hettiarachchi)

Sevil Sen – 
AI versus AI:  The Relentless Cyber Security Arms Race

Session 3 Spam and phishing (Session 3 Chair: Lena Podoletz)


Comparative Analysis of Natural Language Processing Models for Malware Spam Email Identification

Francisco Jáñez-Martino, Eduardo Fidalgo, Rocío Alaiz-Rodríguez, Andrés Carofilis and Alicia Martínez-Mendoza


SpamClus: An Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm for Spam Email Campaigns Detection

Daniel Díaz, Wesam Al-Nabki, Laura Fernández-Robles, Enrique Alegre, Eduardo Fidalgo and Alicia Martínez-Mendoza


LSTM-PSO: NLP-based model for detecting Phishing Attacks

Abdulrahman A. Alshdadi

Afternoon Coffee break 4.05-4.25

4.25-4.55 Sponsor (Mind Bridge AI) presentation (Introduction: Saad Ezzini)

CodeAgent – Collaborative Agents for Software Engineering

Daniel Tang

Session 4 Fake news, privacy and NLP challenges (Session 4 Chair: Rafael Muñoz Guillena


The Influence of the Perplexity Score in the Detection of Machine-generated Texts

Alberto José Gutiérrez Megías, L. Alfonso Ureña-López and Eugenio Martínez Cámara

5.20-5.45 pm

Variation between Credible and Non-Credible News Across Topics

Emilie Francis

5.45-6.10 pm

Can LLMs assist with Ambiguity? A Quantitative Evaluation of various Large Language Models on Word Sense Disambiguation

Deshan Koshala Sumanathilaka, Nicholas Micallef and Julian Hough


Privacy Preservation in Federated Market Basket Analysis using Homomorphic Encryption

Sameeka Saini and Durga Toshniwal

Conference dinner 19:45-22:30

30 July, Tuesday

Coffee 9-9.20pm


Keynote speech 3 (Introduction: Tharindu Ranasinghe)

Iva Gumnishka –
Red Teaming: Trustworthy AI through diverse human testing

10.10 Session 5 Anomaly Detection and Threat Intelligence (Session 5 Chair: Ignatius Ezeani)


WAVE-27K: Bringing together CTI Sources for Enhanced Threat Intelligence Models

Felipe Castaño, Amaia Gil-Lerchundi, Raul Orduna-Urrutia, Eduardo Fidalgo Fernandez and Rocío Alaiz-Rodríguez


Human-in-the-loop Anomaly Detection and Contextual Intelligence for Enhancing Cybersecurity Management

Thomas Schaberreiter, Jerry Andriessen, Cinzia Cappiello, Alex Papanikolaou and Mirjam Pardijs

Morning Coffee break 11.00-11.20

Session 6 Hate speech and harmful content (Session 6 Chair: Claire Hardaker)


Is it Offensive or Abusive? An Empirical Study of Hateful Language Detection of Arabic Social Media Texts

Salim Al Mandhari, Mo El-Haj and Paul Rayson


The Elsagate Corpus: Characterising Commentary on Alarming Video Content

Panagiotis Soustas and Matthew Edwards


Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian using Machine Learning

Danka Jokić, Ranka Stanković and Branislava Šandrih Todorović


Fighting Cyber-malice: A Forensic Linguistics Approach to Detecting AI-generated Malicious Texts

Rui Sousa-Silva

Lunch break 1-2pm

2-2.50 Keynote speech 4
Jacques Klein (Introduction: Saad Ezzini)

Session 7 Threats and vulnerabilities (Session 7 Chair: Ashley Frazer)


Deciphering Cyber Threats: A Unifying Framework with GPT-3.5, BERTopic and Feature Importance

Chun Man Tsang, Tom Bell, Antonios Gouglidis and Mo El-Haj


CECILIA: Enhancing CSIRT Effectiveness with Transformer-Based Cyber Incident Classification

Juan Jose Delgado Sotes, Alicia Martinez Mendoza, Andres Carofilis Vasco, Eduardo Fidalgo Fernandez and Enrique Alegre Gutierrez


U-BERTopic: An Urgency-Aware BERT-Topic Modeling Approach for Detecting CyberSecurity Issues via Social Media

Majed Albarrak, Gabriele Pergola and Arshad Jhumka

Afternoon Coffee break 4.05-4.25

Session 8 LLM and vulnerabilities (Session 8 Chair: Mo El-Haj)

4.25-4.50 pm

A Proposal Framework Security Assessment for Large Language Models

Daniel Mendonça Colares, Raimir Holanda Filho and Luis Borges Gouveia

4.50-5.15 pm

Not Everything Is Online Grooming: False Risk Finding in Large Language Model Assessments of Human Conversations

Ellie Prosser and Matthew Edwards

5.15-5.40 pm

Redacted Contextual Question Answering with Generative Large Language Models

Jacob Lichtefeld, Joe A. Cecil, Alex Hedges, Jeremy Abramson and Marjorie Freedmann

5.40-6.05 pm

Unlocking LLMs Capabilities: Addressing Scarce Data and Inherent Bias Challenges in Mental Health and Therapeutic Counselling

Vivek Kumar, Pushpraj Singh Rajwat, Giacomo Medda, Eirini Ntoutsi and Diego Reforgiato Recupero

Closing 6.05pm-6.15

Networking event 19:30-22:00

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