29 July, Monday
8.30-9.10 Registration
9.10-9.20 Opening – Professor Nigel Davies, Distinguished Professor, Head of Department, Computing and Communications and Co-Director of the Data Science Institute
Keynote speech 1 (40 min presentation; 10 min Q &A; Introduction: Ruslan Mitkov)
Paolo Rosso –
Beyond fake news in disinformation detection: analysis of narratives of conspiracy theories
10.10-11.00 Session 1 Ethics and bias (Session 1 Chair: Eugenio Martínez Camara)
10.10-10.35 (25 min – 15 min presentation + 10 min Q &A) |
Predatory Publication of AI-Generated Research Papers Lizzie Burgiss, Ben Tatum, Christopher Henshaw, Madison Boswell and Alan Michaels |
10.35-11:00 |
Explainability of Machine Learning Approaches in Forensic Linguistics: A Case Study in Geolinguistic Authorship Profiling Dana Roemling, Yves Scherrer and Aleksandra Miletić |
Morning coffee break 11.00-11.20
Session 2 Software and vulnerabilities (Session 2 Chair: Matthew Bradbury)
11.20-11.45 |
Metric-Oriented Pretraining of Neural Source Code Summarisation Transformers to Enable more Secure Software Development Jesse Phillips, Mo El-Haj and Tracy Hall |
11.45-12.10 |
Comprehensive threat analysis and systematic mapping of CVEs to MITRE framework Stefano Simonetto and Peter Bosch |
12.10-12.35 |
Predicting Software Vulnerability Trends with Multi-Recurrent Neural Networks: A Time Series Forecasting Approach Abanisenioluwa K. Orojo, Webster C. Elumelu and Oluwatamilore O. Orojo |
12.35-1pm |
Autonomous Agents for Cyber Deception Lewis Newsham, Daniel Prince and Ryan Hyland |
Lunch break 1-2pm
2-2.50 Keynote speech 2 (Introduction: Hansi Hettiarachchi)
Sevil Sen –
AI versus AI: The Relentless Cyber Security Arms Race
Session 3 Spam and phishing (Session 3 Chair: Lena Podoletz)
2.50-3.15pm |
Comparative Analysis of Natural Language Processing Models for Malware Spam Email Identification Francisco Jáñez-Martino, Eduardo Fidalgo, Rocío Alaiz-Rodríguez, Andrés Carofilis and Alicia Martínez-Mendoza |
3.15-3.40pm |
SpamClus: An Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm for Spam Email Campaigns Detection Daniel Díaz, Wesam Al-Nabki, Laura Fernández-Robles, Enrique Alegre, Eduardo Fidalgo and Alicia Martínez-Mendoza |
3.40-4.05 |
LSTM-PSO: NLP-based model for detecting Phishing Attacks Abdulrahman A. Alshdadi |
Afternoon Coffee break 4.05-4.25
4.25-4.55 Sponsor (Mind Bridge AI) presentation (Introduction: Saad Ezzini)
CodeAgent – Collaborative Agents for Software Engineering
Daniel Tang
Session 4 Fake news, privacy and NLP challenges (Session 4 Chair: Rafael Muñoz Guillena
4.55-5.20 |
The Influence of the Perplexity Score in the Detection of Machine-generated Texts Alberto José Gutiérrez Megías, L. Alfonso Ureña-López and Eugenio Martínez Cámara |
5.20-5.45 pm |
Variation between Credible and Non-Credible News Across Topics Emilie Francis |
5.45-6.10 pm |
Can LLMs assist with Ambiguity? A Quantitative Evaluation of various Large Language Models on Word Sense Disambiguation Deshan Koshala Sumanathilaka, Nicholas Micallef and Julian Hough |
6.10-6.35 |
Privacy Preservation in Federated Market Basket Analysis using Homomorphic Encryption Sameeka Saini and Durga Toshniwal |
Conference dinner 19:45-22:30
30 July, Tuesday
Coffee 9-9.20pm
Keynote speech 3 (Introduction: Tharindu Ranasinghe)
Iva Gumnishka –
Red Teaming: Trustworthy AI through diverse human testing
10.10 Session 5 Anomaly Detection and Threat Intelligence (Session 5 Chair: Ignatius Ezeani)
10.10-10.35 |
WAVE-27K: Bringing together CTI Sources for Enhanced Threat Intelligence Models Felipe Castaño, Amaia Gil-Lerchundi, Raul Orduna-Urrutia, Eduardo Fidalgo Fernandez and Rocío Alaiz-Rodríguez |
10.35-11:00 |
Human-in-the-loop Anomaly Detection and Contextual Intelligence for Enhancing Cybersecurity Management Thomas Schaberreiter, Jerry Andriessen, Cinzia Cappiello, Alex Papanikolaou and Mirjam Pardijs |
Morning Coffee break 11.00-11.20
Session 6 Hate speech and harmful content (Session 6 Chair: Claire Hardaker)
11.20-11.45 |
Is it Offensive or Abusive? An Empirical Study of Hateful Language Detection of Arabic Social Media Texts Salim Al Mandhari, Mo El-Haj and Paul Rayson |
11.45-12.10 |
The Elsagate Corpus: Characterising Commentary on Alarming Video Content Panagiotis Soustas and Matthew Edwards |
12.10-12.35 |
Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian using Machine Learning Danka Jokić, Ranka Stanković and Branislava Šandrih Todorović |
12.35-1pm |
Fighting Cyber-malice: A Forensic Linguistics Approach to Detecting AI-generated Malicious Texts Rui Sousa-Silva |
Lunch break 1-2pm
2-2.50 Keynote speech 4
Jacques Klein (Introduction: Saad Ezzini)
Session 7 Threats and vulnerabilities (Session 7 Chair: Ashley Frazer)
2.50-3.15pm |
Deciphering Cyber Threats: A Unifying Framework with GPT-3.5, BERTopic and Feature Importance Chun Man Tsang, Tom Bell, Antonios Gouglidis and Mo El-Haj |
3.15-3.40pm |
CECILIA: Enhancing CSIRT Effectiveness with Transformer-Based Cyber Incident Classification Juan Jose Delgado Sotes, Alicia Martinez Mendoza, Andres Carofilis Vasco, Eduardo Fidalgo Fernandez and Enrique Alegre Gutierrez |
3.40-4.05 |
U-BERTopic: An Urgency-Aware BERT-Topic Modeling Approach for Detecting CyberSecurity Issues via Social Media Majed Albarrak, Gabriele Pergola and Arshad Jhumka |
Afternoon Coffee break 4.05-4.25
Session 8 LLM and vulnerabilities (Session 8 Chair: Mo El-Haj)
4.25-4.50 pm |
A Proposal Framework Security Assessment for Large Language Models Daniel Mendonça Colares, Raimir Holanda Filho and Luis Borges Gouveia |
4.50-5.15 pm |
Not Everything Is Online Grooming: False Risk Finding in Large Language Model Assessments of Human Conversations Ellie Prosser and Matthew Edwards |
5.15-5.40 pm |
Redacted Contextual Question Answering with Generative Large Language Models Jacob Lichtefeld, Joe A. Cecil, Alex Hedges, Jeremy Abramson and Marjorie Freedmann |
5.40-6.05 pm |
Unlocking LLMs Capabilities: Addressing Scarce Data and Inherent Bias Challenges in Mental Health and Therapeutic Counselling Vivek Kumar, Pushpraj Singh Rajwat, Giacomo Medda, Eirini Ntoutsi and Diego Reforgiato Recupero |
Closing 6.05pm-6.15
Networking event 19:30-22:00